[For beginners] Let’s get comments by linking TouchDesigner and YoutubeLive vol.1
Demand for YoutubeLive
Online events are a thing, aren’t they?
BADHOP is doing a free online live event, and I was impressed by the quality!
It’s great just to watch!
But then I had an idea.
If you can play with comments, it will be more immersive.
It’s hard to feel the excitement of the moment from a distance.
Then, why don’t you use the comment function that Youtube has?
It would be fun to participate in the Live!
In other words, the comments will be reflected in the live video…
That’s what I’m talking about.
Here is what we will make this time
I took the comments from Youtube Live and put them together with the live video.
The reason I surf is because I just want to surf Johnny!
Tutorials are easier to understand with videos.
I’m not sure what to say here, but I think the video is more informative than the text.
It’s not something to say here haha
So, please go to vol.1 below and check it out!
Click on the image to jump to it!
Point Explanation
I’ve already talked about the details in the video, so I’ll just give a brief explanation here.
Youtube Data API
You need this if you want to pull information from Youtube at all costs!
Specifically, you need a key to use the API.
What do you mean by API?
Let me explain briefly.
It’s a tool that allows you to use the functions of an external service (in this case, Youtube).
It’s Doraemon’s pocket.
There is no way for Nobita to defeat Gyaso on his own, but he can use the items that come out of Doraemon’s pockets to defeat him.
That’s what the API is for.
Back to the main topic.
I’m going to get an API key from Google Cloud Platform.
I’ll explain it in the video, but it’s also very useful.
Or rather, I’m taking it from you haha.
Create parameters for using the API.
We will explain this in detail in vol.2, but for now, we will create the following three parameters
・key -> This is the API key we just created.
・id -> This is the value of the Youtube video link you want to retrieve (in this case, live surfing)
・part -> We want to get the YoutubeLive information, so please set it to liveStreamingDetails.
I’m using textDAT and tableDAT, but you’ll get used to it.
Now you’re ready to jump to the API link.
Let’s get the comments from here.
To be continued in vol.2
See you around